
Forest Street Primary School is a leading school with the use of technology. Each classroom has access to Chromebooks – the leading educational device in U.S.A., and quickly becoming popular in Australia. These devices are in the classroom for the use of students whenever the learning suits.

The Victorian Curriculum recognises the need for students to become confident technology users in order to be an active member of the society for which we are preparing them. This led to the introduction of the Digital Technologies curriculum.

Forest Street Primary School has invested significant time and resources into developing a scope and sequence that ensures all students are involved in hands-on learning experiences addressing the needs of this curriculum. These experiences begin in Foundation, with coding and technology skills being built upon right until the end of Grade Six.

Collaborating with Technology

Forest Street uses the Google for Education suite of apps. This gives students the freedom to be collaborative in their learning – both with their teacher and with other students. Many students and their teacher can all be accessing and working on a single document at the same time. For more information on Google Apps for Education, click here.

The Google for Education apps includes Google Classroom – an online resource centre where teachers can post and moderate learning tasks and assignments. This also gives students a place to communicate with other students, and their teachers.

"Google Apps for Education can be thought of as the tools that make learning easier."

Al students participate in “Google Academy“. This is guided learning on how each of the apps are used and how they can benefit student learning. Just like a builder must know how to use their tools to build a house, our students learn how to use the tools available for them to achieve their goals.